Ep 56: When a Man Loves and Taking Art Personally with JP Puthenveetil

[Spoiler Alert] In this episode of K-Drama School, Grace discusses the show When a Man Loves (MBC, 2013) and the show writer Kim In-young’s zany, bold and risk-taking choices in her career. Grace also admires Song Seung-hun’s radical choices as an actor to play bizarre, complicated, and camp characters on TV and film. Grace’s guest is LA-based comedian JP Puthenveetil (@jpputhenveetil on Instagram). They discuss comedy writing, working for the Disney Channel, how production companies and networks trap artists in one lane, growing up in North Carolina as Indian but without racism, a cat named Baz, shock-value comedy, some jokes that age better with time, performing in Nashville and doing Zoom comedy shows during the height of the pandemic. Follow @KDramaSchool on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. Visit kdramachool.com to learn more.


Ep 57: The Lady in Dignity and Pee Pee Stains with David Ayala


Ep. 55: Hospital Playlist and Professionally Asshole-ing Up with Magda Mihaila