Ep 35: Coffee Prince and a Good Feminist Man with Dr. Mark Hussey

[Spoiler Alert] In this episode of K-Drama School, Grace discusses the show Coffee Prince (MBC, 2007) as a queer text for both queer pleasure and queer upset. Grace cites Jack Halberstam's theory on female masculinity and Judith Butler's theory on gender as a performance in reference to Go Eun-chan's tomboyism. Grace’s guest is Dr. Mark Hussey who is a Virginia Woolf scholar and now professor emeritus of Pace University's English department where Grace earned her B.A. Dr. Hussey is the author of Clive Bell and The Making of Modernism: A Biography which is newly published by Bloomsbury Press. He and Grace discuss what the purpose of reading a biography is, how to harness anxiety for productivity, what the English major is, why theory and jargon are necessary, how the fear of the future never stops, and what it takes to be a good feminist as a man. Follow @KDramaSchool on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. Visit kdramachool.com to learn more.

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Ep 36: DP and In Support of Dissent and Desertion


Ep 34: It’s Okay, That’s Love and Pushing Our Limits with Conner Shin